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Friday, August 10, 2018

New Moon in Leo

On Saturday, August 11 the New Moon is in Leo "the sign of all things Mane Tossing and Being Seen," according to Jacqueline Gates.

April Elliott Kent writes that the New Moon in Leo and a Solar Eclipse. "with the Sun and Moon square Jupiter in Scorpio--the impulse to break with the past and hurdle toward a new adventure is at least as strong as Leo's desire to bloom where we're planted."

Gates suggests using the Dark Moon days (ie a few days before any New Moon) to take a few days off "from the usual hullabaloo to do some intentional and strategic resetting." Kent offers that breaking with the past can be very liberating.

At this New Moon, we have a chance to make changes that really mean something.  So let's clear out and clean and reset.

What if you take a few days off from the usual to do some intentional and strategic resetting?

When is the last time you checked your cosmetics? This would be a good time to check. Do you have some past their best-by date? It may be time to ditch the ones that are looking old, or are out of style. The lipstick colors have really changed in the last couple of years.

Make a list of the new items you will need to replace.

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