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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Broken Ankle

The following is from an E-zine called Mindful Moment. This really touched me and I wanted to share Patrick's message with you (with his permission).  Patrick wrote:

This week I broke my ankle.

I was at the neighbourhood playground with my wife and son and was
carrying my son back to the house. (For those of you who don't have a
toddler, when it's time to leave the playground, it often involves
carrying your child home amid cries of "five more minutes,
pleeeeease?") Since I had him in my arms, I couldn't watch the ground
and my right foot stepped just off the paved walking path and onto a
sloped surface. I went over on my ankle - CRACK!

A few days later, as I was sitting around with my throbbing ankle
propped up on a pillow. I was beginning to feel sorry for myself when
I remembered an aquaintence of mine who works with terminally ill
patients. A few weeks ago she lost her house in a fire. Everyone was
safe, but everything was gone. As I thought about her situation, I
felt foolish for feeling sorry about my ankle. I e-mailed her at work
to let her know that I was thinking about her and to wish her well
through her ordeal.

Her message back to me contained an even broader perspective. "This
(rebuilding from the fire) is a full time plus job that I never
applied for - with few benefits and many burdens. But every one of my
patients would still love to be me."

How's THAT for a change in perspective?

Ankle? What ankle?


Patrick Mathieu
email: patrick (at)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day Follows Day

"We have a midsummer but no midspring. We have a midwinter but no midautumn. Spring and fall are the seasons of the most obvious action and change. They are flowing this way and that continually. They have no stagnant or slack-water times.

But there comes a period in summer -- and in winter too -- when day follows day with little variation."

~Edwin Way Teale

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

A cup of tea to say thank you
For all the things you've done,
And wishes that the day will bring
You happiness and fun.
Happy Mother's Day
©birdiekity May - 1998

Click Here to see an art project with a Mother's Day message using PostIt notes!
2009 Mother's Day Message

edited 5/7/17

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mythic Journeys

I saw this film recently. It is really thought provoking.
How does your myth create your life?

Find out more about the film here

Thursday, March 18, 2010

HOW TO Create Your Own Bail Out Plan

-NBC News interview-Arbonne's Donna Johnson & MGM

Amazon Best Selling Author of The Women's Millionaire Club book, Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM, is interviewed by NBC newscaster Rick DeBruhl.

MGM and Rick discussed Home Based Business, Network Marketing, a 'Recession Proof' Business Opportunity in a Down Economy, what it takes to become a Woman Millionaire Entrepreneur.

Recession Proof' Business Opportunity:

Join me at The Club:
Women's Millionaire Club