Of all the businesses that you patronize, I wonder how many will tell you in some way how much they appreciate your business? I can't remember the last time someone let me know they appreciate my business except at Christmas.
The biggest asset to our business is our customer.
How Valuable is a Loyal Customer?
Peter Drucker once said the only purpose of any business existence is the customer. Do you connect with your customers when you are not trying to sell them something?
"There is more hunger for love and appreciation
in this world than for bread." ~Mother Teresa
in this world than for bread." ~Mother Teresa
Here are some tips for showing customer appreciation:
Send a thank-you note to every client past and present. Do not attempt to sell them anything, simply thank them for the business.
Make connections by sending cards on special occasions including key dates such as anniversaries and birthdays. Customer Relationship Management tools help us recall family, pet names, spouses and significant others. Customers think we have a great memory and they admire the attention. Sending cards takes no time, little investment and pays a huge return.
Click Here for the Customer Relationship Management tool I use.
Here are some more Tips:
Pick up the phone and call a customer you haven’t talked to in a while or don’t know that well.
Take someone to lunch or coffee.
Have a reception for a few of your customers.
Our goal is to take dedicated time to build a stronger relationship with a few of our customers. People do business with people they know, like and trust.
Use the "comment" below to say how you let your customers know you appreciate them!
I appreciate you for reading my blog!
Updated 9/29/15