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Friday, October 18, 2013

Get To Know Your Customer Day

The third Thursday of the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July and October) is Get To Know Your Customer Day.  This is a day that happens once a quarter to remind us to put emphasis on getting to know our customers or clients.

Of all the businesses that you patronize, I wonder how many will tell you in some way how much they appreciate your business? I can't remember the last time someone let me know they appreciate my business except at Christmas.

The biggest asset to our business is our customer.

How Valuable is a Loyal Customer? 

Peter Drucker once said the only purpose of any business existence is the customer. Do you connect with your customers when you are not trying to sell them something?

"There is more hunger for love and appreciation
in this world than for bread." ~Mother Teresa

Here are some tips for showing customer appreciation:

Send a thank-you note to every client past and present. Do not attempt to sell them anything, simply thank them for the business.

Make connections by sending cards on special occasions including key dates such as anniversaries and birthdays. Customer Relationship Management tools help us recall family, pet names, spouses and significant others. Customers think we have a great memory and they admire the attention. Sending cards takes no time, little investment and pays a huge return.

Click Here for the Customer Relationship Management tool I use.

Here are some more Tips:

Pick up the phone and call a customer you haven’t talked to in a while or don’t know that well. 

Take someone to lunch or coffee.

Have a reception for a few of your customers. 

Our goal is to take dedicated time to build a stronger relationship with a few of our customers. People do business with people they know, like and trust.

Use the "comment" below to say how you let your customers know you appreciate them!

I appreciate you for reading my blog!

Updated 9/29/15

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sing For Your Health

Café Singer Edgar Degas
Café Singer
Edgar Degas
GNU Free Documentation License

A friend of mine posted on her FaceBook page a poster extolling the health benefits of singing which inspired me to write todays article. Here's a tip! Try singing and chanting for your health!

Singing, laughing and chanting make the sternum (the breast bone) vibrate which stimulates the immune system as the oscillations boost the thymus, a small gland in the chest behind the sternum which controls the production of the body’s key defense cells called T lymphocytes. When you sing or shout, pray or chant, laugh or listen to music, whether it be recorded or played live by many musicians, the Thymus is stimulated.

The early Greeks referred to the Thymus as the "Seat of Life Energy", but western medical science has not always understood the function of the thymus gland. Now the thymus is recognized as a gland closely related to the immune system, stress, and general well-being.  It directs life-giving and healing energies of the body, and is strongly influenced by an individual's physical environment, social relationships, food and posture.

The thymus becomes smaller and smaller with age and almost disappears in the end. It is largest and most active during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods, but by the early teens, the thymus begins to atrophy.

Some researchers believe that different infections and cancers in old people are closely linked to the decline in T lymphocyte production. Hence, stimulating the thymus in some way either through laughing, chanting or singing can be helpful in maintaining or improving health as we age or experience illness.

Chinese Medicine uses Tapping the Thymus to help stimulate the production of T-cells, which are primary immune factors. Practiced daily, tapping will also increase the size of the thymus.

Vibrations in the throat also stimulate the Thyroid, the gland which produces hormones that regulate metabolism and the body’s energy consumption and body weight.

So now you know! The Fountain of Youth was inside YOU all the time. Keep laughing and singing for a long and healthy life!

What do you do to stay young and healthy?

Learn more about Chanting

Edited 4/30/17

Monday, May 06, 2013

A Video For Mom

An art project with a Mother's Day message using PostIt notes!
Here's a cool video for Mother's Day!

"Such a cool project. apparently they were not quite finished and somebody asked if the Post Its were for writing on. From then on people kept streamin up to write messages of love for their Mums. As yet another testament to why I love Kiwis, this was up all weekend and nobody vandalized it at all." ~~Shanti, Shanti

Click here for photo

Happy Mother's Day 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2010

edited 5/9/17