Here in the U.S. we have just seen the longest day of the year, and are now moving full into summer--a time of health and growth.
Tomato plants have blooms, the flower gardens are filling out and the baby birds in my tree are leaving their nests. I find that I need to water my plants every day in this heat and I need to take special care to keep the water in the bird bath clean and full for the birds that have chosen to live in my yard.
This is a good time to give thought to our own emotional, financial, spiritual and physical health. If we are aware of any imbalance, this is a good time to concentrate on the feeding of the "weaker" aspects and allowing ourselves to fully blossom to be the lovely creatures that we were created to be.
Here is a Haiku for you to ponder:
Summer Solstice
summer solstice
the measuring tape reels back
into its case
~~Carolyn Hall