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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Do You Need Help To Figure Yourself Out?

Figure Yourself Out
Figure Yourself Out
Have you ever felt like you weren't getting where you want to go? Have you ever wondered what's holding you back? What if you had a guide to help you diagnose the symptoms of where and how you're stuck? Now there is a step-by-step handbook of techniques and practices that can help you create an action plan for change.

The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out - 

How to Go From Stuck to Star of Your Life

This book is written by my friend and coach, Pat Honiotes, who brings her years of experience with personal empowerment coaching to create tools to be used by anyone that wants to discover who you are.

I was delighted to have had the opportunity to be the host on the second day of the Social Media Tour leading up to the launch of this new book.

If you missed the previous post by Christy Strauch at her blog Small Business Warrior, she wrote "Because Knowing Things Intellectually Is Only Half The Learning." Thanks to Christy for starting the book tour week.

Star of You Life
Star of Your Life
Pat Honiotes provides her clients a safe, non-judgmental place to explore and grow, and she offers tools for growth to take place. I recently spoke with Pat about an issue that was really stressful for me. She offered me a couple of tools to help me take charge of the issue, and then she invited me to notice how quickly my energy had changed. I felt I had my power back.

This image to the right was the cover photo created by Pat for a workbook from the first workshop I participated in led by Pat.  

This book is a "must" for anyone committed to their own personal growth and living up to their potential.  ~T. Romain
This book is a guide and it takes me on a step by step journey into myself. It is interactive and a workbook. ~N. Hamstra

Click here to order "The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out - How to Go From Stuck to Star of Your Life"

As a person that lives in my 'head' more than my 'heart', it was great to have a section on learning about the literacy of the subconscious mind and how it effects us in every day life. ~J. Thompson
Leave your comments for Pat or me here! We would love to hear from you!

The image above is Girl With A Book 
by José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior (1850–1899) Public Domain 

Updated: 3/15


Shelagh said...

Hi Pat, I really like what you are saying here. I work with Pat too, and one of the things I know is that she has many tools which help me to move beyond "Stuck".
I'm so glad that now her teachings can be experienced by many more people as they use her new workbook.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Pat, for being part of this tour. I love having you along on this journey. I was very surprised to see the cover from the first workshop you took. I had forgotten all about that cover. It was one I did myself. i hope to see you in Arizona again soon.