Big Sky Astrology
Referring to the Virgo new moon in August, Kent writes that Virgo encourages us to "become better, more useful. Be of optimal service. Figure out what the world needs from you, and organize your life in such a way that you’re able to give it."
She offers that "If we orient ourselves in that way, she thinks "Virgo will be pleased with us – no matter how messy our houses, how unbalanced our checkbook, or how abundant our cellulite."
Molly Hall at About Astrology titles her entry Virgo New Moon — August 25th, 2014: Purify Thyself. She writes “So with this Virgo lunation, we enter the zone of decontamination from all that’s wafted and streamed through. It’s a lunar re-set, to redeem your sanity."
Hall asks "What are ways to sanitize your life?" She suggests that you ask yourself questions like,
“What’s cluttering up my life?”
“What’s toxic to my body, spirit, and mind?"
Are you trying to figure out your place in the scope of things? Are you one of those people wondering what the world needs from you and how you are going to give it? Do you wonder what's cluttering up your life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, let me suggest a book that may be very helpful for you.
The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out: How to Go from Stuck to Star of Your Life
This is a step-by-step handbook, written by Pat Honiotes, of techniques and practices that can help you learn what you need to change in order to move forward and create an action plan for change. Click this image to order the workbook.
I wrote about this book when it was first released. Read my post here: