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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Solstice

Here in the U.S. we have just seen the longest day of the year, and are now moving full into summer--a time of health and growth.

Tomato plants have blooms, the flower gardens are filling out and the baby birds in my tree are leaving their nests. I find that I need to water my plants every day in this heat and I need to take special care to keep the water in the bird bath clean and full for the birds that have chosen to live in my yard.

This is a good time to give thought to our own emotional, financial, spiritual and physical health. If we are aware of any imbalance, this is a good time to concentrate on the feeding of the "weaker" aspects and allowing ourselves to fully blossom to be the lovely creatures that we were created to be.

Here is a Haiku for you to ponder:

Summer Solstice

summer solstice
the measuring tape reels back
into its case
~~Carolyn Hall

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I just want to wish my Mom, and all the mothers out there, a very Happy Mother’s Day.

"Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime.

Consider this:
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.

Click Here to send this Greeting Card to Mom by mail! This is not an e-card!

5 scientific reasons moms deserve Mother's Day Click Here

Click Here to see an art project with a Mother's Day message using PostIt notes!
Click Here Happy Mother's Day: A cup of tea to say...

Edited 5/8/17

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Thing In The Morning

The following is from Patrick Mathieu. He writes:

While we're on the topic of "1st thing in the morning", I thought that I'd share a morning ritual that I've created for myself that aids me in creating my perfect days.

The ritual simply involves making an espresso on my gas stove (something I do each morning), but it can easily be adapted to tea. If you like it, feel free to use it for yourself.

I tell myself that the coffee/tea represents the raw talents and skills that I have been given, useless on its own, but incredible once combined with the other elements.

The water represents life itself, without which nothing can happen.

The gas represents the Universal Source, always available for the asking.

The spark that lights the burner is what happens when I bring my full attention to the moment and realize my connection to the Universe.
When I am mindful of my incredible partnership with the Universal Source, I ignite a powerful force that ALWAYS works, whether I understand it or not. I don't have to DO anything beyond acknowledging and allowing. It ALWAYS heats ANYTHING that is placed within the circle of its flame. it makes no judgments or discriminations. Once I have combined this endless power with my talents and skills and with life itself, the result is INEVITABLE!

Just as when I combine coffee/tea and the water with the heat, the result is INEVITABLE.

And so it is!
As I prepare my morning coffee I consciously remind myself of these elements, thus turning this into an important ritual that centers me and prepares me for the day ahead.
